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Coaches Blog

One Thing

Updated: Apr 21, 2022

It is not really one of my favorite movies, but it does have one of my favorite movie scenes. The movie is City Slickers. In my favorite scene, Curly, played by Jack Palance, makes a cryptic point that really points to an important truth. Curly points out that the secret to life is “one thing”. When asked what that “one thing” is Curly smiles and says, “That’s what you have got to figure out.”

As the 2019 season winds down and we all begin looking ahead to the 2020 season. It might be time to take stock of the many things that we often take on across a year and begin to reevaluate them going forward. In that evaluation process, it would also be wise to give some consideration to what your “one thing” is. This is important because when we have not determined what our “one thing” is then the “everything” can consume you. Athletes, for the most part, are very driven people. We take on challenges because we find that the reward of meeting those challenges brings a great sense of intrinsic value. That’s the good side of taking on challenges and meeting them. The less good side can be when taking on a wealth of challenges distracts you from your “one thing”.

When we drift to far from our “one thing,” or we have not even spent enough time actually considering what our “one thing” might truly be, we are in danger of grasping at opportunities without real consideration of what will truly bring us happiness and a sense of accomplishment.

If you don’t know what your “one thing” is then I encourage you to carve out intentional times during the off season to take stock of what gives you the highest sense of satisfaction and see if along that mental journey you discover your “one thing”.

If you know what your “one thing” is but you have allowed yourself to be distracted from holding it firm, then consider some ways you can reconnect with it.

Only you truly know what your “one thing” is but if your “one thing” is not your true everything, then you are in danger of having everything be replaced with nothing.

Curly’s point wasn’t that finding, knowing, and valuing your “one thing” was easy. His point was that it was worth it.

What is your “one thing?"

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