Packing for a mountain biking race can be just as stressful or nerve-wracking as the race itself! If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a thousand times: staying organized can alleviate lots of unnecessary stress and frustration and help you arrive at the mountain biking event ready to give it your best!
This packing list will help you pack for most mountain biking events and feel prepared, organized, and ready to go!
__ ID card
__ Race registration (see athletes’ guide for requirements)
__ Hotel/AirBnb reservation information
__ Snacks and meals for travels
__ Warmup clothes for pre/ post-race
__ Shoes or sandals for pre/post-race
__ Pre and post-race nutrition
__ Headlamp or light for evening/night racing
__ Sunscreen
__ First Aid kit
__ Chamois cream
__ Bike computer and charging cable
__ GPS watch and charging cable
__ Heart rate monitor
Race Clothing
__ Cycling shorts
__ Cycling jersey
__ Base layer (if preferred)
__ Cycling shoes
__ Cycling Gloves
__ Bandana or buff (if preferred)
__ Socks
__ Sunglasses and/or goggles
__ Helmet
Seasonal Clothing
__ Bike leggings or leg warmers (for cold weather)
__ Arm warmers/coolers
__ Fleece (for cold weather)
__ Cap and/or beanie
__ Rain jacket (if preferred)
Tools and Equipment
__ Mountain bike
__ Air pump
__ Suspension pump (if applicable)
__ Spare tubes
__ Spare brake pads
__ Flat repair kit OR tubeless kit
__ Chain lube
__ Multitool
__ Duct tape and/or electrical tape
__ Spare parts (derailleur hanger, chain, gear cable)
__ Hydration pack and bladder or water bottles
__ Hydration mix/tablets for race
__ Gels / bars
__ Other fuel in your nutrition plan